Sunday, December 28, 2008

Mood afrer noon Armerica

Here is some to think about ok. Personal responiblity and i am for that but the only thing business take s only responibity for making Some Ceo and owner rich behond there wildest dreams.while the people who work for them have no health insurance; and barely enought wages to make end meet . if they get sick they have to go to a county hospital witch cost us in taxes money and them too of course ; but you hear the republician and consevitives say they want smaller goverment ok.if every body did what they are suppost to do we could get by with a smaller not dumping poisonious chemicals along road ways offer health insurance to your workers .that won't cost them a arm and a leg.set a 401k for workers before tax so our beloved uncle sam don't see that money till the retire or croke; and one more thing is any one man worth 25 million a year i mean really think about it . the more you pay this guy tho more you have to sell your product for to even break even let alone profit .and if some one pays less in japan ;or korea or where ever he has a jump on you;and your prodect right. same thing with builder should'nt there be a market for you houses before you build them ? if the housing market is bloated why would they buy a new house . it stands to reason .why pay a million dollars for a house when u can get one on the market for 600k already to move into ; at times like this u need to let the market drie up a little before you put more out there but they didn't so the bankers had to foreclost and lost money then wall street step in and baught the morages and lost money and people lost there homes because of ajustable morgage rates. they could barey make the payment agreed apon and when they went up there pay check didn't and they had to pick between a house payment and food well food will win out that fight.and utility bill will win out too because no body wants to live like fred flintstome in the dark and with cold food un cooked unless it cracker or yougert we need to start thinking about stuff like this before it bite us on our collective asses but it up to you as alway all i can do is point you in the direction thats all. just hope i have made enought sence to start you thinking .till next time Happy New year be saft not sorry

sincery yours

it crackers or yougert

Monday, November 24, 2008

hello google yahoo and other search engines

Deare google
and other search engine out there this morning i went into porno land ; and i went prettyfar into the links of pussy cute and what did i find pictures ok 6 and 7 year old girl haveing sex with full grown men. witch me to is unaccaptable behavor on there part. and yours for leting them post that kind of porn on your search engines . that kind of porn is illeagle to start with and what would you say if it were one of your kids or grand kid be raped . of course you would be madas hell.and to piut it any where where the victum cane be seen by any body is disrespectful to say the least for god sake . i know that advertising is your lifes blood but money shouldn't be that importnant to billionaire that they sponcer the rape of children that so wrong .

Friday, November 21, 2008

Good Afternoon America

  1. our system is based on capitalism; but every system has flaws in it because it"s governed by human beings ; but shouldn't"t our system have limits.kind like speed lints on the high way that govern how fast we can go; yes have had tickets for speeding. but posting speed limits is for the greater good a car doing 55 mph is less likely to die in a crash then the same car doing 90 mph.I'm not a socialist; but too much of a good thing is still bad for u. examples of what I'm talking about; Freddy mac ; fanny may ;the bank bail out and wall street. You have to wonder who got rich at our expense. and what congressianal commity should be keeping up with them so this won't happen to us again. or to create a governing body to wach them.