Wednesday, August 3, 2011

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Bernie Buzz: An Extremely Unfair Agreement
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Senator Bernie Sanders


arnold schwertman

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Wednesday, August 3, 2011 4:21 PM
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The Bernie Buzz - News From the US Senate
August 03, 2011
An Extremely Unfair Agreement

Unfair deal

Over Bernie’s strong opposition, Congress approved and President Obama signed a deficit-reduction deal that slashes programs for working families without asking the wealthiest Americans and the most profitable corporations to pay a nickel more. "This country needs deficit reduction, but we need to do it in a way that is fair and which will result in economic growth and job creation. This proposal does neither,” the senator said. In a Senate speech and a flurry of television interviews, Bernie called the deal “extremely unfair,” “immoral” and "grotesque."

Read Bernie’s statement on why he voted no »
Watch Wolf Blitzer interview Bernie on CNN after the Senate vote »
Watch Bernie and the Rev. Al Sharpton on MSNBC discuss who the cuts will hurt »

In poll after poll, Americans said they wanted shared sacrifice

The American People Are Angry
The American people in poll after poll said they wanted wealthy individuals and large corporations to pay their fair share of taxes for deficit reduction. They also said they wanted bedrock social programs like Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid to be protected. In the end, Congress did exactly the opposite of what Americans wanted. “Is it any wonder, therefore, that the American people are so angry with what's going on in Washington?” Bernie asked in a Wall Street Journal column last Friday.
Read the column »

Large gas guzzling SUV filling up

Goodbye Gas Guzzlers

Cars and light trucks would get 54.5 mpg by 2025 under new fuel economy standards agreed to by automakers and the Obama administration. Bernie introduced legislation last year with the same goal. "The historic agreement is a huge step forward for saving car owners money at the gas pump, cutting greenhouse gas emissions and creating American jobs," Bernie said.

Read more »

Questions about nuclear safety

Nuclear Safety

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission came under fire at a Senate hearing for foot dragging on task force recommendations to beef up reactor safety in the United States in the wake of Japan's nuclear crisis. “Delay is not an acceptable option," Bernie said at an Environment and Public Works Committee hearing. “We must do everything in our power to make sure nuclear power plants are safe and that this country never experiences what happened in Japan.”

Watch Bernie’s opening statement at the hearing »

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In Other News

The New York Times' Paul Krugman called the deal a disaster that will damage an already depressed economy »


The New York Times charts the cost of wars, tax cuts for the wealthy, and the Wall Street bailout »


Wealth gaps rise to record highs between white, blacks, and Hispanics »


The Fed's actions during the financial crisis, once shrouded in mystery, are examined by a new GAO audit that Bernie spearheaded »

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