Friday, September 30, 2011

Blogger: Good Afrrtnoon America - Edit post

Blogger: Good Afrrtnoon America - Edit post
14 Hours Left! Hide Details FROM: Tarryl Clark TO: Arnold schwertman Message flagged Friday, September 30, 2011 10:13 AM Dear Arnold- Goal ThermometerOver the past week I asked you to pitch in to help me hit my $10,000 goal by the end of the week, and thanks to everyone who responded, we have blown past this goal and raised over $10,500! With our momentum still growing I think we can get to $13,000 by our deadline at midnight. Contribute $3 now to help me stand up to the Tea Partiers and fight for our priorities. Ever since I entered the race, Chip Cravaack, my Tea Party opponent, has been pulling out all of the stops to raise money. He knows I am a fighter and that with me in the race his days in congress are numbered. With friends like Michele Bachmann and Exxon bankrolling his campaign, we know where Cravaack’s priorities lie. Because of your help, I can continue to fight for Medicare instead of oil subsidies and make sure that creating jobs in America is congress’ top priority. With only 14 hours left before our deadline, your contribution now is critical to our success. Together we can send Cravaack and his Tea Party buddies a message that we are going to fight for our priorities, and we won’t let the special interests dictate what those are. Thanks to all of you who have already given and thanks to all of you who are just about to. Sincerely, Tarryl Clark P.S. Our big deadline is only 14 hours away! Give $3 before midnight to push my campaign past our new goal and help keep us out fighting for you. Paid for by Friends of Tarryl Clark 2012 This email was sent to To unsubscribe, go to: Reply to: Reply to Send

Friday, September 23, 2011

Yes or no, Arnold?
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Ann Marie Habershaw,


Arnold schwertman

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Friday, September 23, 2011 11:49 AM
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Arnold --

As chief operating officer of this campaign, I'm the person people come to when they want to spend the money you've donated.

All the budgets, calculations, and planning lead to a simple "yes" or "no." Yes, you can buy coffee and clipboards for neighborhood organizers in Ohio. No, you can't have a fancy computer when a cheaper one does the job. That sort of thing.

Every team on the campaign has submitted their plans for the rest of this year -- opening field offices, registering voters, building technology. And it all costs money.

I can't say yes to everything -- but what you do right now can help me say yes to more.

We have a critical fundraising deadline coming up on September 30th.

Help me say yes by giving $3 or more today.

Our field team has an incredibly detailed plan for a ground game that reaches voters in all 50 states. That means opening offices in some battleground states right now, and laying the plans to open others across the country next year. The campaign has plans to be the biggest grassroots movement this country has ever seen.

The scale we're talking about is unparalleled, and any time someone uses the word "unparalleled," that means it probably doesn't happen for free.

For every field office we open, there's rent, heat, staff, computers, phones, and supplies -- the list goes on.

What we do before midnight on September 30th determines our budget until the end of this year. And what happens this year will set in motion the results on Election Day 2012. It's that simple.

Help me say yes to what we need to do to put our plans in motion by donating $3 or more today -- you'll even be automatically entered for a chance to have dinner with President Obama:

Believe me, it'll be worth it.


Ann Marie

Ann Marie Habershaw
Chief Operating Officer
Obama for America

No purchase, payment, or contribution necessary to enter or win. Contributing will not improve chances of winning. Void where prohibited. Entries must be received by midnight on 9/30/11. You may enter by contributing to Sponsor at or click here,, to enter without contributing. Four winners will each receive the following prize package: one round-trip ticket from within the fifty U.S. States, DC, or Puerto Rico to a destination to be determined by the Sponsor; hotel accommodations for one; and dinner with President Obama on a date to be determined by the Sponsor (approximate combined retail value $1,050). Odds of winning depend on number of entries received. Promotion open only to U.S. citizens, or lawful permanent U.S. residents who are legal residents of 50 United States, District of Columbia and Puerto Rico and 18 or older (or of majority under applicable law). Promotion subject to Official Rules,, and additional restrictions on eligibility. Sponsor: Obama for America, 130 E. Randolph St., Chicago, IL 60601.
Paid for by Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible.

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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

customer unioln

Where is our Wall Street watchdog?
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Consumers Union


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Tuesday, September 20, 2011 11:51 AM
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Consumers Union, Policy & Action from Consumer Reports

Dear Arnold,

There’s a lot of political game-playing right now in Congress. But one game is directly impacting your financial security – and if you are fed up, speak out today!

A group of 44 Senators are holding hostage the nomination of our first consumer financial watchdog – former Ohio Attorney General Richard Cordray – unless they get to weaken and politicize his ability to get tough on Wall Street, the big banks and credit card companies.

Every day this game is played, we remain vulnerable to more of the financial industry’s tricks, like the crooked mortgage tactics that helped get us into this economic mess!

Tell your Senators to approve Richard Cordray as our top financial watchdog, and let him do his job!

Richard Cordray is widely viewed as a great pick to fight for our financial rights. In just two years as Ohio’s Attorney General, he recovered over $2 billion wrongly looted by Wall Street banks and returned it to Ohio homeowners, taxpayers, pension funds and municipalities.

He’s strongly endorsed by consumer activist Elizabeth Warren, who helped create the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and picked him to head its enforcement division. “Rich is smart, he is tough, and he will make a stellar director,” Warren said. And during his recent Senate confirmation hearing, no one said he's not qualified for the job.

But rather than letting Cordray get to work protecting consumers and rooting out wrongdoing, this block of Senators signed a pledge refusing to approve a director unless they can gut the watchdog’s independence – and hand it over to the same cozy regulators who were in charge when shady financial tactics helped collapse our economy!

Tell your Senators to end the games, and start protecting consumers. Approve Cordray’s nomination!

Thank you for supporting efforts to put hardworking Americans’ financial concerns ahead of the Wall Street lobbyists. And you take action, please forward this to friends and family so they can do the same!

Pamela Banks, a project of Consumers Union
1101 17th Street NW, Suite 500
Washington, DC 20036

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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

1 in 6 Americans
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Feeding America - Elizabeth Nielsen, Online Community Manager


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Wednesday, September 14, 2011 1:00 PM
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Dear Arnold,

Hunger and poverty continue to plague America. The USDA just released their annual U.S. food-insecurity rates that showed for the third year in a row that nearly 49 million Americans, including 16.2 million children, are struggling to get enough to eat, virtually unchanged from the prior year. But with the recession still dragging along, many see the stability in the number of people in need of food assistance as heartening -- federal nutrition programs are working.

We know the need is out there. A new study by the US Census Bureau report showed that poverty continues to grow in the U.S. with about 15 percent of the population at or below the poverty level – up from 14 percent the year before, the third straight jump in the poverty rate.

I know you care about the issue of hunger. As a valued supporter I'd like to invite you to join the emerging conversations to preserve federal nutrition programs; a conversation focused on our nation's most vulnerable -- children. Please join several important voices in the anti-hunger community for a special Virtual Town Hall on child hunger this Thursday, September 15th at 3:00 PM EST.

Register for the Virtual Town Hall online today. Participants include:

• Kevin Concannon, U.S. Department of Agriculture Under Secretary will describe how SNAP and child nutrition programs are working to prevent child hunger.

• Lorretta Johnson, Secretary-Treasurer of the American Federation of Teachers will discuss how hunger affects a child’s ability to learn.

• Vicki Escarra, Feeding America President and CEO will explain how nutrition programs are at risk of budget cuts and how you can use your voice to advocate for anti-hunger programs.

After the Virtual Town Hall, you can connect directly to your Members of Congress as part of a national call in day. If you can’t join the town hall, you can simply dial 1-877-698-8228 to make your voice heard. Tell Congress to protect anti-hunger programs as part of any deficit deal!

I hope that you’ll register today; you're participation can make a difference!

Thank you,

Elizabeth Nielsen
Online Community Manager
Feeding America

P.S. Spread the word -- email, post to Facebook or Tweet -- your family and friends can join the conversation too!

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Questions? If you have any questions about this message or any other
Feeding America issue, please contact us or call 1-800-771-2303.

Reply to: Reply to Feeding America - Elizabeth Nielsen, Online Community Manager

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Thom Hartmann Program via to me

show details 5:54 PM (44 minutes ago)

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Thom's blog
It's time to dump the post-partisan-mantra - and start acting like FDR!
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Will $300 billion fix the economy? President Obama hopes so. According to early reports from the White House - the President's job creation plan set to be unveiled Thursday night will come with a price tag of $300 billion - a number that is likely too high for Republicans to support - given they likely can't support a $20 dollar job creation package - and also a number far too low for many progressives hoping the President would go bold and throw a trillion dollar package out there. More troubling - only about $50 billion of that $300 billion will ACTUALLY go toward rebuilding our nation's crumbling infrastructure. The rest will go to tax cuts that have been proven to not have nearly as much bang for the buck as stimulus.

The President does plan to extend unemployment benefits also - a critical measure to ease the suffering of millions of unemployed Americans and stimulate the economy - but also a measure that Republicans will target for removal first in negotiations. President Obama's stimulus package in 2009 kept our economy from a Great Depression - but it wasn't nearly big enough to re-boot strong job growth. His own economic advisors told him this - but he decided to compromise with Republicans in the Senate by reducing its size and throwing in some tax cuts. As a result - Republicans can make the argument that it failed. Now - it looks like President Obama is making the same mistake twice - with a stimulus package that is too small to work.

It's time to dump the post-partisan-President mantra - and start acting like FDR and Harry Truman. Go bold with a jobs plan tomorrow - and beat the Republicans over the head with it until November.


(What do you think president Obama should do? Tell us here.)

The Big Picture (small)
Tonight on The Big Picture on RT TV at 9pm and 11pm... Is Obama in a trap? (check your local listings for stations or stream at RT, and catch past shows on Youtube)

Need to Know: Is Obama in a trap? - Pete Sepp, National Taxpayer's Union Twitter

Lone Liberal Rumble:
- Jamie Weinstein, Daily Caller Twitter
- Daniel Halper, Weekly Standard Twitter

Registering the Poor to Vote is Un-American?! - Matthew Vadum, author of the new book "Subversion, Inc." Twitter

Do FOX viewers think Islam is incompatible with American values? - Zaid Jilani, Think Twitter

Daily Take: What is the New American Dream?
Stamps/com Free Speech TV
Read Thom's Book for Free!
Unequal Protection
Now you can read all of Thom Hartmann's "Unequal Protection: How Corporations Became 'People' and How You Can Fight Back" for free online. Truthout is publishing weekly installments over the coming weeks.

Read Chapter 15: Unequal Taxes and Chapter 16: Unequal Responsibility for Crime today.
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photo "Labor Day 2011: Let's Not Forget The Past"
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Quote: "We are mothers and fathers. And sons and daughters. Who every day go about our lives with duty, honor and pride. And neither snow, nor rain, nor heat, nor gloom of night, nor the winds of change, nor a nation challenged, will stay us from the swift completion of our appointed rounds. Ever." -- USPS creed (updated post 9/11).

Hour One: S.O.S. for the U.S.P.S.? - Chuck Zlatkin, NY Metro Area Postal Union Twitter
Article: "Destroying the Postal Service in Order to Save It?" by Chuck Zlatkin.

Article: "Two Santa Clauses or How The Republican Party Has Conned America for Thirty Years" by Thom Hartmann.
Article: "Student loan debt exceeds credit card debt in USA" by Susan Tompor.
Because I got high alert: "Drunken elk rescued from Swede's apple tree" by Rebecca Martin.
Hour Two: Transforming America Cliff Schecter, Libertas, LLC Twitter
Article: "9/11 Transformations" by Cliff Schecter.
Book: "The Real McCain: Why Conservatives Don't Trust Him and Why Independents Shouldn't" by Cliff Schecter.
Article: "Did Osama Win?" by Andrew Sullivan.
Book: "The Turner Diaries: A Novel" by Andrew MacDonald.

Speech: "Mitt Romney Speaks about the Economy", September 6, 2011.
Site: "Free Speech TV" - to sign the petition to expand on cable television.
Conservative alert: "" by .
Article: "Perry's gun control policy: 'Use both hands'" by David Edwards.
Site: "Organizing for America".
Article: "Obama's Labor Day Speech (VIDEO)" by Ryan Grim.
Book: The Conservative Mind: From Burke to Eliot, Russell Kirk.

Talk Radio News Segment: Ellen Ratner, Bureau Chief Twitter
Site: "Goats for the old Goat".
Article: "Reid opens Senate with attack on Republicans for blocking jobs legislation" by Josiah Ryan.
Article: "President Obama to visit University of Richmond Friday".
Article: "Fox News Calls Exclusion Of Candidates From Debate A 'Scandal,' Will Fox's Debate Next Month Be Different?" by Lee Fang .
Article: "Rick Perry Set To Make Debate Debut" by TRNS.
Article: "Ron Paul Tags Rick Perry as 'Al Gore Cheerleader'" by Rodney Hawkins.
Article: "Rove Calls Perry's Social Security Stance "Toxic"" by Josh Voorhees.
Book: "SCIENCE AND HEALTH" - First Edition, 1875 by Mary Baker Glover (later Eddy).
Article: "The Quimby-Eddy Controversy" by .
Article: "True Origin of Christian Science; Documentaty evidence Refuting Mrs. Eddy's Claim That Her System Was Revealed to Her by God.".
Article: "White House To Unveil Plan To Aide In USPS Financial Crisis" by TRNS.
Hour Three: It's plans?! Earnest Istook, Former Congressman (R-OK) & Distinguished Scholar - Heritage Foundation Twitter
Article: "Romney unveils jobs plan, gets slammed by Huntsman" by Stephanie Condon.
Transcript: "The Third Kennedy-Nixon Presidential Debate", October 13, 1960.
Article: "Fineman Says ObamaCare Was President's Biggest Mistake - Ignatius Agrees" by Noel Sheppard.

Lawsuit: "Dodge v. Ford Motor Company".
The good: "Barbara Boxer: I hope greens sue President Obama" by Darren Goode.
The bad: "Goldman Sachs Gave Sen. Shelby $5,000 The Day After He Denounced The CFPB As 'Dangerous'" by Pat Garofalo.
The very, very ugly: "Coulter: Kindergarten teachers are 'useless public sector workers'" by Jeff Poor.
Site: "Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund".
Site: "Move to Amend".
Cheesy news alert: "Perry Outlines Bold Proposal to Repeal Twentieth Century" by Andy Borowitz.
Case: "Shlensky v. Wrigley, 1968.

Article: "Obama jobs plan could cost $300 billion, include tax cuts, new spending" by David Nakamura and Zachary A. Goldfarb.
Article: "Texas cut fire department funding by 75 percent this year" by David Edwards.
Article: "Global competitiveness ranking: U.S. falls to fifth spot" by CNN.
Article: "Pew Study: One-Third of Middle Class Fall in Status" by Henry J. Reske.
Article: "Poll: Two-Thirds Of Republicans, Tea Partiers And Fox News Viewers Think Islam Is Incompatible With American Values" by Ali Gharib.
Article: "Progressive tax system associated with greater happiness: study" by Eric W. Dolan.
Coming up Thursday on The Thom Hartmann Program
Hour Two: Why do some conservatives think that "Registering the Poor to Vote is UnAmerican?" Matthew Vadum, author of the new book "Subversion, Inc." Twitter

Hour Three: the headline reads "Oil exploration under Arctic ice could cause an 'uncontrollable' natural disaster" Cambridge University's Professor Peter Wadhams

And, the best of the rest of the news and your calls right here on...

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Hartmann: Destroying the Postal Service - another Manufactured Crisis
Hartmann: Destroying the Postal Service - another Manufactured Crisis
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Hartmann: Privatized Prisons...Criminal in a Democracy
Hartmann: Privatized Prisons...Criminal in a Democracy
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Hartmann: Why Schools, Hospitals & Prisons shouldn't be Run for Profit
Hartmann: Why Schools, Hospitals & Prisons shouldn't be Run for Profit
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Hartmann: Romney Job Plan - Christmas for Billionaires?
Hartmann: Romney Job Plan - Christmas for Billionaires?
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Hartmann with Dr. Helen Caldicott - Should NW Japan be Evacuated?
Hartmann with Dr. Helen Caldicott - Should NW Japan be Evacuated?
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Hartmann: Sons of Bitches vs. Mother of all Wars
Hartmann: Sons of Bitches vs. Mother of all Wars
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Or watch the Full "Big Picture" Show
Full Show - 9/6/11. US Postal Service Nears Default
Full Show - 9/6/11. US Postal Service Nears Default
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Thom talks about the possibility of the United States Postal Office defaulting on their mandatory payment to their employee retirement fund. Later in the show, he debates Mitt Romney's job plan with conservative guest, Brian Darling.

Thom Hartmann on the News - September 7, 2011
Thom Hartmann on the News - September 7, 2011
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Thom Hartmann & Chuck Zlatkin - Destroying the Postal Service , another Manufactured Crisis
Thom Hartmann & Chuck Zlatkin - Destroying the Postal Service , another Manufactured Crisis
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Thom Hartmann & Cliff Schecter - Transforming America
Thom Hartmann & Cliff Schecter - Transforming America
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Thom Hartmann vs. Rep. Ernest Istook - It is raining jobs plans!
Thom Hartmann vs. Rep. Ernest Istook - It is raining jobs plans!
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Thursday, September 1, 2011

The Thom Hartmann Program Thu 1 September 2011



The Thom Hartmann Program via to me

show details 5:26 PM (2 hours ago)

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Thom's blog
Will you be Watching President Obama or the Packers Thursday?
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Speaker of the House John Boehner made history yesterday. After President Obama requested a joint session of Congress to announce his new jobs plan next week - on September 7th - Boehner REJECTED the request - and instead suggested Americans should choose between watching the President or the opening day of the football season. According to the Senate historian - never in the history of this nation had Congress ever rejected a presidential request for a joint session of Congress. Never. And, by the way, never in this history of our nation has a president ever had to produce his birth certificate, either.

Never in history has a president been called a liar by a sitting Supreme Court Justice during a State of the Union address, or been heckled as a liar by a southern Congressman. In the end - President Obama gave in to Speaker Boehner's demands (once again) and agreed to September 8th. So ultimately - yesterday turned out like every other day. It started with the president wanting to talk about jobs - the Republicans sabotaging that effort - and then President Obama caving in. So, we'll all get to watch the debut of "Governor Good Hair" Rick Perry in the Republican debate, instead of hearing the President share his jobs ideas with Congress. And the following night, the President goes up against the Packers and the Saints.

While I'm rooting for the President, I'm guessing most Americans will be watching the Packers. At least that's the Republican plan.


(What are you going to do? Tell us here.)
Stamps/com Free Speech TV
The Big Picture (small)
Tonight on The Big Picture on RT TV at 9pm and 11pm... The Republican plan to create kill jobs (check your local listings for stations or stream at RT, and catch past shows on Youtube)

Need to Know: The Republican plan to create kill jobs - Andrew Langer, Institute for Liberty Twitter

Screwed: Poor in Michigan? You're screwed! - David Selig, Conservative Commentator.

The Best of the Rest of the News...

Socialism...Rick Perry's Texas miracle? Dan Gainor, Business and Media Institute Twitter

Iraq War: suffer the little children... Raed Jarrar, Iraqi-American blogger and political analyst Twitter

Daily Take: Here's what UnAmerican really is!
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Read Thom's Book for Free!
Unequal Protection
Now you can read all of Thom Hartmann's "Unequal Protection: How Corporations Became 'People' and How You Can Fight Back" for free online. Truthout is publishing weekly installments over the coming weeks.

Read the Chapter 14: Unequal Protection from Risk today.
The Daily Stack Daily Stack
Quote: "Experience demands that man is the only animal which devours his own kind, for I can apply no milder term to the general prey of the rich on the poor." -- Thomas Jefferson.

Hour One: Corporate tax dodgers Phil Kerpen, Vice President/Policy - Americans for Prosperity Twitter
Article: "Executive Excess 2011" by Sarah Anderson, Chuck Collins, Scott Klinger, Sam Pizzigati.

Article: "Obama Moves Jobs Speech After Skirmish With Boehner" by Helene Cooper and Jackie Calmes.
Article: "Letter to President Obama about Joint Session of Congress" by John Boehner.
Article: "Michigan Gov. Snyder Cuts Aid For Low-Income Families After Slashing Taxes On Corporations" by Alex Seitz-Wald.
Book: "Rebooting the American Dream: 11 Ways to Rebuild Our Country" by Thom Hartmann.
Tweet: "From one Speaker to another...nicely done John. @SpeakerBoehner" by @newtgingrich.
Article: "Solyndra Files Bankruptcy, Federal Loan Guarantee Given In Vain" by IBT.
Full Monty alert: "Joshua Greene Left A Raccoon In His Car While Streaking At A NASCAR Race".
Hour Two: D-O-J says N-O-T to AT&T Seton Motley, President - Less Government Twitter
Article: "Clayton Antitrust Act".
Article: "Sherman Antitrust Act".
Article: "With AT&T Lawsuit, the Obama Administration is Yet Again Assaulting the Private Sector".

Geeky Science rocks! your genes?
Geeky Science alert: "Plastics ingredient causes genetic response" by Janet Raloff.

Keystone XL pipeline...climate change-Irene a wake up call? Bill McKibben, Twitter
Article: "NASA's Hansen Arrested Outside White House at Pipeline Protest" by Mark Drajem.
Article: "James Hansen: 'Game Over' If Keystone Built" by Liz McGowan.
Article: "Former Obama staffer arrested at Keystone XL protest" by Ed Brayton.
Article: "Durban activists picket against US tar sand pipeline" by Slindile Maluleka.
Article: "Diplomatic Protection Service called over protest". New Zealand.
Article: "Tar-sands protests go global" by Bill McKibben.
Site: "Stop the Keystone XL Tar Sands Pipeline!"
Article: "" by .

Talk Radio News Segment: Victoria Jones, White House Correspondent Twitter
Song: "Going Underground" by Jam.
Article: "UPDATED: Obama To Pitch Jobs Plan On Capitol Hill Next Thursday" by TRNS.
Article: "Boehner to Address Jobs a Week After Obama" by Sarah Wheaton.
Article: "Wonkbook: Romney planning big jobs speech" by Ezra Klein.
Article: "Republican Revolt: Virginia's GOP Governor Splits With Cantor, Rejects Conditioning Disaster Aid On Budget Cuts" by Pat Garofalo.
Article: "GOP Gov. Christie Slams Cantor's Idea to Negotiate Hurricane Aid" by Kenneth R. Bazinet.
Article: "Michael Brown, Former FEMA Director, Agrees With Eric Cantor: No Disaster Aid Without Budget Cuts" by Amanda Terkel.
Article: "Gaddafi Will Never Surrender... Even if Libya "Burns"!".
Article: "Libyan Rebels Appeal for Aid in Paris; West Wants Fighting to Fade Soon" by Kenneth R. Bazinet.
Site: "Goats for the old Goat".
Hour Three: Obama's War on the Secret Ballot Ken Blackwell, Save Our Secret Ballot Twitter
Article: "Obama's War on the Secret Ballot" by Ken Blackwell and Clint Bolick.
Article: "Does card check kill the secret ballot or not?" by Christopher Beam.

Article: "HB 194 has Democrats on edge" by Howard Wilkinson.
Petition: "Commit to signing the petition to repeal the voter suppression bill!". (HB 194)
Article: "Democracy is Coming to Ohio: 1.3 Million Voters Force Referendum to Restore Labor Rights" by John Nichols. (SB5)
Article: "Ballot Language For State Issue 2".
The good: "Former GOP Senator Chuck Hagel: Republican Party Has 'An Astounding Lack Of Responsible Leadership'" by Tanya Somanader.
The bad: "Bachmann Doubles Down On Drilling In Everglades, Says Only 'Radical Environmentalists' Would Oppose" by Tanya Somanader and Travis Waldron.
The very, very ugly: "GOP in Giffords' district holds raffle for Glock" by Kase Wickman.
Documentary: "Corporation Nation".
Winner: Taos Brit Dan wins a copy of "Rebooting the American Dream: 11 Ways to Rebuild Our Country" by Thom Hartmann for commenting: "We are now officially in a new stoneage. The Republicans stone wall and Obama has become a Cave-man.".

Article: "WikiLeaks: Iraqi Children in U.S. Raid Shot in Head, U.N. Says" by Matthew Schofield.
Article: "Huntsman Proposes New Taxes On Seniors And Veterans To Pay For Tax Cut For The Richest 0.1 Percent" by Seth Hanlon.
Article: "Perry's Jobs Miracle: From 2009 To 2010, Texas Had Largest Growth In State, Local Government Jobs" by Travis Waldron.
Article: "Wisconsin teacher retirements double in wake of new law" by AP.
Crazy alert: "Man steals 8-foot whale tooth from Norway museum" by AP.
Coming up Friday on The Thom Hartmann Program

Hour One: If it's Friday, it's "Brunch With Bernie"... the honorable Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) will be here with all the news from our nation's capitol and as always he'll be spending the hour taking your calls and answering your questions too...

Plus, it's Anything Goes on Townhall Friday" with the Best of the Rest of the News and your calls right here on...

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Thom's Poll
Will you be watching President Obama on jobs before a joint congress instead of the Packers Thursday night?

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Hartmann: CEOs rewarded for tax dodging?
Hartmann: CEOs rewarded for tax dodging?
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Hartmann: Police at Bill O'Reilly's beck and call - except for loofahs
Hartmann: Police at Bill O'Reilly's beck and call - except for loofahs
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Hartmann: Lone Liberal - Should Cheney go to Gitmo, The Hague or Book Tour?
Hartmann: Lone Liberal - Should Cheney go to Gitmo, The Hague or Book Tour?
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Hartmann: D-O-J says N-O-T to A-T-&T
Hartmann: D-O-J says N-O-T to A-T-&T
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Hartmann: Nurses & Wall Street - What's the connection?
Hartmann: Nurses & Wall Street - What's the connection?
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Hartmann: Republicans misread the 2010 election
Hartmann: Republicans misread the 2010 election
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Or watch the Full "Big Picture" Show
Full Show - 8/31/11. CEO's rewarded for Tax Dodging
Full Show - 8/31/11. CEO's rewarded for Tax Dodging
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Thom rants about how the country's top 25 companies paid their CEO's more than federal income taxes. Later in the show in the "Lone Liberal" rumble, he debates John Boehner's request to President Obama to push back his jobs speech.

09 01 11 News YT
Thom Hartmann On The News - September 1st, 2011
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Thom Hartmann - Historical Presidential Firsts
Thom Hartmann - Historical Presidential Firsts
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Thom Hartmann vs. Seton Motley - D-O-J says N-O-T to AT&T
Thom Hartmann vs. Seton Motley - D-O-J says N-O-T to AT&T
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Thom Hartmann vs. Phil Kerpen - Why reward CEO's for tax dodging?
Thom Hartmann vs. Phil Kerpen - Why reward CEO's for tax dodging?
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Salem Children's Village child meditating by lakeWould you like to help give a child with a very troubled background this feeling of peace?

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