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It's time to dump the post-partisan-mantra - and start acting like FDR!
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Will $300 billion fix the economy? President Obama hopes so. According to early reports from the White House - the President's job creation plan set to be unveiled Thursday night will come with a price tag of $300 billion - a number that is likely too high for Republicans to support - given they likely can't support a $20 dollar job creation package - and also a number far too low for many progressives hoping the President would go bold and throw a trillion dollar package out there. More troubling - only about $50 billion of that $300 billion will ACTUALLY go toward rebuilding our nation's crumbling infrastructure. The rest will go to tax cuts that have been proven to not have nearly as much bang for the buck as stimulus.
The President does plan to extend unemployment benefits also - a critical measure to ease the suffering of millions of unemployed Americans and stimulate the economy - but also a measure that Republicans will target for removal first in negotiations. President Obama's stimulus package in 2009 kept our economy from a Great Depression - but it wasn't nearly big enough to re-boot strong job growth. His own economic advisors told him this - but he decided to compromise with Republicans in the Senate by reducing its size and throwing in some tax cuts. As a result - Republicans can make the argument that it failed. Now - it looks like President Obama is making the same mistake twice - with a stimulus package that is too small to work.
It's time to dump the post-partisan-President mantra - and start acting like FDR and Harry Truman. Go bold with a jobs plan tomorrow - and beat the Republicans over the head with it until November.
(What do you think president Obama should do? Tell us here.)
The Big Picture (small)
Tonight on The Big Picture on RT TV at 9pm and 11pm... Is Obama in a trap? (check your local listings for stations or stream at RT, and catch past shows on Youtube)
Need to Know: Is Obama in a trap? - Pete Sepp, National Taxpayer's Union Twitter
Lone Liberal Rumble:
- Jamie Weinstein, Daily Caller Twitter
- Daniel Halper, Weekly Standard Twitter
Registering the Poor to Vote is Un-American?! - Matthew Vadum, author of the new book "Subversion, Inc." Twitter
Do FOX viewers think Islam is incompatible with American values? - Zaid Jilani, Think Twitter
Daily Take: What is the New American Dream?
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Unequal Protection
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photo "Labor Day 2011: Let's Not Forget The Past"
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Quote: "We are mothers and fathers. And sons and daughters. Who every day go about our lives with duty, honor and pride. And neither snow, nor rain, nor heat, nor gloom of night, nor the winds of change, nor a nation challenged, will stay us from the swift completion of our appointed rounds. Ever." -- USPS creed (updated post 9/11).
Hour One: S.O.S. for the U.S.P.S.? - Chuck Zlatkin, NY Metro Area Postal Union Twitter
Article: "Destroying the Postal Service in Order to Save It?" by Chuck Zlatkin.
Article: "Two Santa Clauses or How The Republican Party Has Conned America for Thirty Years" by Thom Hartmann.
Article: "Student loan debt exceeds credit card debt in USA" by Susan Tompor.
Because I got high alert: "Drunken elk rescued from Swede's apple tree" by Rebecca Martin.
Hour Two: Transforming America Cliff Schecter, Libertas, LLC Twitter
Article: "9/11 Transformations" by Cliff Schecter.
Book: "The Real McCain: Why Conservatives Don't Trust Him and Why Independents Shouldn't" by Cliff Schecter.
Article: "Did Osama Win?" by Andrew Sullivan.
Book: "The Turner Diaries: A Novel" by Andrew MacDonald.
Speech: "Mitt Romney Speaks about the Economy", September 6, 2011.
Site: "Free Speech TV" - to sign the petition to expand on cable television.
Conservative alert: "" by .
Article: "Perry's gun control policy: 'Use both hands'" by David Edwards.
Site: "Organizing for America".
Article: "Obama's Labor Day Speech (VIDEO)" by Ryan Grim.
Book: The Conservative Mind: From Burke to Eliot, Russell Kirk.
Talk Radio News Segment: Ellen Ratner, Bureau Chief Twitter
Site: "Goats for the old Goat".
Article: "Reid opens Senate with attack on Republicans for blocking jobs legislation" by Josiah Ryan.
Article: "President Obama to visit University of Richmond Friday".
Article: "Fox News Calls Exclusion Of Candidates From Debate A 'Scandal,' Will Fox's Debate Next Month Be Different?" by Lee Fang .
Article: "Rick Perry Set To Make Debate Debut" by TRNS.
Article: "Ron Paul Tags Rick Perry as 'Al Gore Cheerleader'" by Rodney Hawkins.
Article: "Rove Calls Perry's Social Security Stance "Toxic"" by Josh Voorhees.
Book: "SCIENCE AND HEALTH" - First Edition, 1875 by Mary Baker Glover (later Eddy).
Article: "The Quimby-Eddy Controversy" by .
Article: "True Origin of Christian Science; Documentaty evidence Refuting Mrs. Eddy's Claim That Her System Was Revealed to Her by God.".
Article: "White House To Unveil Plan To Aide In USPS Financial Crisis" by TRNS.
Hour Three: It's plans?! Earnest Istook, Former Congressman (R-OK) & Distinguished Scholar - Heritage Foundation Twitter
Article: "Romney unveils jobs plan, gets slammed by Huntsman" by Stephanie Condon.
Transcript: "The Third Kennedy-Nixon Presidential Debate", October 13, 1960.
Article: "Fineman Says ObamaCare Was President's Biggest Mistake - Ignatius Agrees" by Noel Sheppard.
Lawsuit: "Dodge v. Ford Motor Company".
The good: "Barbara Boxer: I hope greens sue President Obama" by Darren Goode.
The bad: "Goldman Sachs Gave Sen. Shelby $5,000 The Day After He Denounced The CFPB As 'Dangerous'" by Pat Garofalo.
The very, very ugly: "Coulter: Kindergarten teachers are 'useless public sector workers'" by Jeff Poor.
Site: "Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund".
Site: "Move to Amend".
Cheesy news alert: "Perry Outlines Bold Proposal to Repeal Twentieth Century" by Andy Borowitz.
Case: "Shlensky v. Wrigley, 1968.
Article: "Obama jobs plan could cost $300 billion, include tax cuts, new spending" by David Nakamura and Zachary A. Goldfarb.
Article: "Texas cut fire department funding by 75 percent this year" by David Edwards.
Article: "Global competitiveness ranking: U.S. falls to fifth spot" by CNN.
Article: "Pew Study: One-Third of Middle Class Fall in Status" by Henry J. Reske.
Article: "Poll: Two-Thirds Of Republicans, Tea Partiers And Fox News Viewers Think Islam Is Incompatible With American Values" by Ali Gharib.
Article: "Progressive tax system associated with greater happiness: study" by Eric W. Dolan.
Coming up Thursday on The Thom Hartmann Program
Hour Two: Why do some conservatives think that "Registering the Poor to Vote is UnAmerican?" Matthew Vadum, author of the new book "Subversion, Inc." Twitter
Hour Three: the headline reads "Oil exploration under Arctic ice could cause an 'uncontrollable' natural disaster" Cambridge University's Professor Peter Wadhams
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Thom Hartmann vs. Rep. Ernest Istook - It is raining jobs plans!
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