Thursday, September 30, 2010

From Tarry Clark a lady you can be proud of

Thu, September 30, 2010 10:10:16 AMStanding up to special interests
From: "Rep. Chris Van Hollen, DCCC" Add to Contacts
To: Arnold schwertman


Dear Arnold,
In the face of fierce opposition from the special interests, the House of Representatives passed the DISCLOSE Act earlier this year. This act will shine a light on political expenditures and ensure that shadowy special interests, sham organizations, and dummy corporations cannot mislead voters. I was proud to be the lead sponsor of this important legislation.

We need more people in Congress who are willing to stand up to the special interests rather than with them, and that's why I'm also proud to support Tarryl Clark.

I hope I can count on you to do whatever you can to help her win in November.

Tarryl's opponent took big money from Wall Street then voted against financial reform that will hold the industry accountable; she took hundreds of thousands from big insurance companies and then voted to let them continue to discriminate against those with pre-existing conditions.

And when it came to the DISCLOSE Act, Tarryl's opponent once again sided with the special interests who seek to influence our elections.

We can do better. And with Tarryl, we will.

Your support for Tarryl Clark before the critical September 30 deadline will help make sure she continues to have the resources she needs to compete and win.

Families in Minnesota want someone who stands with them, not the special interests. That's what they'll get with Tarryl Clark - who's already proven that she's willing and able to take on the special interests and win. That's what we need in Congress these days.

I hope you'll dig deep and support her campaign with a contribution of any amount before the September 30 deadline.


Rep. Chris Van Hollen (D-MD)
Chairman, DCCC

P.S. - As you know, Tarryl has raised more money than virtually any other Congressional challenger in the country, but her opponent continues to rake in the cash from her special interest allies and ultra right-wing national base. Help Tarryl grow her grassroots support with a donation today!

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