Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Tarryl Clark for congress

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New Video: Bachmann does jack squat for her district
"Zach Rodvold, Friends of Tarryl Clark"
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To: Arnold schwertman
Dear Arnold,

It seems Michele Bachmann is struggling to come up with a positive ad for her campaign - she's spent well over $1.5 million running misleading attack ads against Tarryl Clark. With no positive accomplishments for her district and no real record of success in Congress, material for pro-Bachmann ads is hard to come by.

Given that, we've decided to lend a helping hand to Michele Bachmann by creating a new ad for her. It's called "More Than Her Share," and it highlights some of her 'accomplishments' in Congress. Check it out now:

You heard it right: Bachmann hasn't done a thing for the people of the 6th District, but she's doing more than her share for the special interests in Washington.

That seems like an appropriate motto for her campaign, don't you think?

After all, Michele Bachmann has taken over $630,000 from the special interests in Washington - big corporations, Wall Street, and big banks - and then voted with them on bill after bill.

So, if you want a Member of Congress who will continue to make it her first priority to do nothing - nada, zip, zilch, jack squat - for the people she represents, but plenty for the powerful special interests that have hijacked Washington, then Michele Bachmann is the candidate for you.

But if you want someone who'll stand up for ordinary Minnesotans, who'll work to create jobs and keep taxes low for middle class families, and who is more than willing to take on the special interests (because she already has) - then Tarryl Clark is the candidate for you.

We think the choice is clear - but there are still some who need convincing.

Your financial support today will help us continue our work talking to thousands of undecided voters and earning their support for Tarryl Clark.

Thanks for everything.


Zach Rodvold
Campaign Manager
Tarryl Clark for Congress

P.S. Election Day is just four weeks from today. If you think it's important that people know that Michele Bachmann has done more than her fair share for the special interests in Washington but nothing for the people of the 6th District, please forward this email, post it to your Facebook wall or share it via Twitter!

This email was sent to texas_long_horn2005@yahoo.com.

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