Thursday, October 14, 2010

Tarryl Clark some one you can trust in congress

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Sneak Preview: Bachmann "Outsourced" Ad
Tarryl Clark
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To: Arnold schwertman
Dear Arnold,

In the last nine years, Minnesota has lost over 58,000 jobs due to unfair trade deals and outsourcing - and those are just the jobs that went to China. Hardworking families in Minnesota's 6th District have been hit disproportionately hard as a result.

What's Congresswoman Michele Bachmann done to put an end to this problem? Nothing. In fact, she protected tax breaks for companies that outsource jobs. She then spent the rest of the last two years traveling the country headlining rallies and raising millions of dollars for a campaign she's not even participating in.

Today, we're giving you a preview of an ad we'd like to begin airing tomorrow, and asking for your immediate contribution to help put it on the air and keep it there.

Michele Bachmann has had four years to deal with job creation and not only has she failed to do so, she's actually made it worse. That's unacceptable.

I know we can do better. We can end tax breaks from companies that outsource our jobs, and use that money to both pay down the deficit and provide tax breaks for small businesses who create jobs here at home.

With your contribution of $5, $25 or $50 today, we'll be able to put this ad on the air and hold Congresswoman Bachmann accountable for her abysmal record.

Voters in the 6th District need to know whose side Michele Bachmann is on. Since she's not spending any time this year talking to voters about her real record - she skipped out on a debate in her hometown last night - we'll have to do it for her.

We also know that when voters hear about Bachmann's real record, we win. That's why your continued support today is so critical. Thanks so much for being a part of this campaign.


Tarryl Clark

P.S. The only person in the 6th District who deserves to lose their job this year is Michele Bachmann. With only 20 days until the election, we need your contribution to get our ad on the air today so that we can send her a pink slip on November 2nd!

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