Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Virtual Food Drive
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Feeding America



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Tuesday, June 14, 2011 9:00 AM
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Dear Arnold,

A few weeks ago, I wrote to you about the urgent need to raise $1,060,031 by the end of the fiscal year. So far we have raised $286,208 towards our goal, but as our fiscal year ends we still need your help.

Today, we need you to join supporters across the country and become a Hunger Hero by starting your own Virtual Food Drives.

Start Your Virtual Food Drive now.

Starting a Virtual Food Drive is simple:


Create your page by setting your fundraising goal and answering a few simple questions.
Ask others to donate using the online tools we give you.
End hunger. As you reach your goal, the money you raise helps Feeding America provide meals for hungry families across the country.

As a Hunger Hero, you'll do more to fight hunger than you ever thought you could. Every dollar you raise through your Virtual Food Drive will help provide 7 meals to men, women, and children facing hunger in America.

Don’t put this off. Create your Food Drive now and start fighting hunger.


Vicki Escarra
President and CEO
Feeding America

P.S. You can also help out by making an immediate donation of $15 right now.

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