Thursday, September 23, 2010

from the AARP

Full ViewImagine a future without Social Security
From: "Barry Jackson, AARP" Add to Contacts


Dear Arnold,

Cuts to Social Security to reduce the deficit?

Not on AARP's watch.

But we need 2,500 donors to support our campaign by September 30.

Imagine being in this situation:

You've worked hard all of your life. On each and every paycheck stub, you see a deduction for Social Security.

But as you prepare to retire, the benefits you've earned are cut to pay off a deficit that Social Security didn't cause in the first place.

I don't ever want to write the email reporting that this situation has become a reality for you and millions of other Americans.

But the deadline for the Fiscal Commission's recommendations is quickly approaching and the next few weeks are critical for our campaign to protect Social Security.

We need the resources to continue this fight – please make a $5 gift today to help us win the battle to protect Social Security against unfair cuts.

For years, your hard work has contributed to Social Security. You've fulfilled your part of the contract – and you expect Congress to do the same, by providing you with the retirement benefits you've earned.

Yet those benefits are under attack. The Fiscal Commission has put Social Security benefit cuts on the table, and Social Security opponents are busy spreading myths and misinformation on Capitol Hill and beyond.

It's up to us to set the record straight. Congress must know the facts: that Social Security hasn't contributed one penny to the federal deficit, and shouldn't be targeted for budget-driven cuts.

That's why AARP is targeting key lawmakers and educating the public through print ads, grassroots action, and coalition building. We're running a hard-hitting, aggressive campaign – but to keep going, we're counting on 2,500 more donors to contribute by September 30.

Your gift can make the difference – please donate $5 now.

Social Security is a sacred promise to all Americans. But to make sure this promise is kept, we all need to give a little, too. Please, give what you can before September 30.

Thank you.


Barry Jackson
Senior Manager, Grassroots

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