Wednesday, October 20, 2010

the smoking gun

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Smoking gun
Bill White
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To: Arnold Schwertman

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A "smoking gun" memo just surfaced showing how Rick Perry has abused Teacher Retirement System (TRS) funds to raise political contributions.

The memo shows how the friends and donors Perry appointed to the TRS board steered hundreds of millions of teacher retirement dollars -- and millions in fees -- to firms run by campaign donors.

The result? Fees skyrocketed while investment performance plummeted, putting 1.2 million retired educators in jeopardy. Meanwhile, the TRS chairman at the head of it all is now Rick Perry's campaign finance chair.

This isn't just another case of Rick Perry's corrupt political machine at work. It's the "smoking gun" that directly shows how Rick Perry milked our teachers' retirement for campaign cash!

Please contribute $5 to help us raise $300,000 by Saturday's media buying deadline. We must place advertising by then to ensure Texas voters know of this corruption before Election Day.

Rick Perry has raised millions of dollars from selling state government to his biggest campaign contributors -- and he's spending it to smear me.

We must raise $1 every second between now and Saturday's big deadline to keep up with Rick Perry's false, corruption-financed attacks in these final few days before Election Day. That's $300,000 in just three days.

Please contribute $5 to help us raise $1 every second between now and Saturday's big deadline -- and help us expose Rick Perry's corruption to every Texas voter.

The only way to stop Rick Perry's corrupt political machine is by electing a new governor. With less than two weeks until Election Day, your contribution is critical toward achieving that goal.

Thank you for all you have done to support my campaign.


Bill White

P.S. Read more about Rick Perry's donors and appointees funneling teacher money to Perry's donors.


Pol. Adv. Bill White Campaign

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