Thursday, August 25, 2011

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Not all Billionaires are Created Equal
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Maybe we should take a tip from France. The French government just introduced a new debt reduction package that includes a 3% income tax increase on people making more than $720,000 a year. But no one is screaming about class warfare in France today - that's because it was the millionaires and billionaires themselves who asked for the tax increase. In an open letter - some of the wealthiest people in France wrote, "We, the presidents and leaders of industry, businessmen and women, bankers and wealthy citizens would like the richest people to have to pay a 'special contribution'."

The letter goes on to say, "When the public finances deficit and the prospects of a worsening state debt threaten the future of France and Europe and when the government is asking everybody for solidarity, it seems necessary for us to contribute." As in - they realize there's not much quality of life in being rich while living in a poor country - a sentiment that most billionaires here in America don't appear to understand.

I guess it IS true - not all billionaires are created equal.


(Why don't more American billionaires call for tax increases? Tell us here.)
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The Big Picture (small)
Tonight on The Big Picture on RT TV at 9pm and 11pm... Obama's plan for hurting homeowners ... will Republicans agree? (check your local listings for stations or stream at RT, and catch past shows on Youtube)

Need to Know: Obama's plan for hurting homeowners ... will Republicans agree? - Nomi Prins, Demos Twitter

Screwed: Will the banksters win again? - Amanda Devecka-Rinear, National People's Action Twitter

The Best of the Rest of the News...

Exposed...Toxic Koch: Keeping Americans at Risk of a Poison Gas Disaster - John Deans, Greenpeace Twitter

Paul Ryan's police access for constituents - Seton Motley, President - Less Government Twitter

Daily Take: Do French billionaires love their country more than US Billionaires?
Stamps/com Free Speech TV
Read Thom's Book for Free!
Unequal Protection
Now you can read all of Thom Hartmann's "Unequal Protection: How Corporations Became 'People' and How You Can Fight Back" for free online. Truthout is publishing weekly installments over the coming weeks.

Read the Chapter 14: Unequal Protection from Risk today.
The Daily Stack Daily Stack
Quote: "We in America do not have government by the majority. We have government by the majority who participate." -- Thomas Jefferson.

Hour One: The real Reagan legacy Will Bunch, Media Matters, Tear Down This Myth Twitter
Book: "Tear Down This Myth: The Right-Wing Distortion of the Reagan Legacy" by Will Bunch.
Book: "The Backlash: Right-Wing Radicals, High-Def Hucksters, and Paranoid Politics in the Age of Obama" by William Bunch.
Video: "Reagan Campaigns for Truman in 1948".
Article: "Laffer Curve".
Article: "Will Bunch: A Reagan litmus test for 2012 GOP hopefuls".
Article: "Will Bunch: Why Reagan Still Matters Today".

Article: "Obama Seeks Jobs Plan as U.S. Workingman's Status Suffers Further Erosion" by Mike Dorning.
Article: "Attorney General Eric Holder tells 9/11 relatives he's probing Rupert Murdoch for possible hacking" by Joseph Straw.
Article: "News Corp Set To Air 9/11 Documentary Glorifying Bush; Producer Says He's Not Interested In 'Facts'" by Lee Fang.
Article: "Mitt Romney: Humans contribute to global warming" by Brian Montopoli, June 3, 2011.
Article: "Jim Inhofe backs Rick Perry over 'mushy' Mitt Romney" by Robin Bravender.
Article: "'Mushy' Mitt Romney Takes New Climate Stance: 'I Don't Know'" by Brad Johnson.
Article: "U.S. May Back Refinance Plan for Mortgages" by Shaila Dewan and Louise Story.
Article: "Gaddafi loves Condi Rice" by Jonathan Capehart.

Fighting the war on Democracy...1st national Democracy Convention Ben Manski, Democracy Convention Twitter
Article: "Democracy Convention kicks off, boosted by Wisconsin Capitol protests" by Judith Davidoff.
Hour Two: BART police vs. Anonymous in San Francisco Stephen Webster, Raw Story Twitter
Article: "Anonymous claims to publish nude photos of BART spokesman" by Stephen C. Webster.
Article: "BART police clamp down on second week of protest" by Stephen C. Webster.

Geeky Science rocks! Fukushima fallout's electric signature.
Article: "Japanese fallout left electric signature" by Janet Raloff.

Article: "Hurricane Irene: East Coast urged to heed evacuation warnings" by Rene Lynch.
Article: "France's rich keen to pay more tax as PM Fillon announces 'rigour package'" by Kim Willsher.
Book: "On My Honor: Why the American Values of the Boy Scouts Are Worth Fighting for" by Rick Perry and Ross Perot.
Article: "AFL-CIO head: Labor to ditch Democrats" by Byron Tau.
Article: "President Obama Has All The Legal Authority He Needs To Make Recess Appointments Right Now" by Ian Millhiser.

Talk Radio News Segment: Ken Bazinet Twitter
Article: "Hurricane Irene Expected To Hit Inland, May Reach D.C." by Elianna Mintz.
Article: "4.5-Mag Aftershock Rumbles Overnight" by AP/NBC.
Article: "Gadhafi Bails, Leaves His Photos Of Condi Rice Behind" by Kenneth R. Bazinet.
Article: "PHOTOS: Blind Former Sudanese Slave Taken To The US For Eye Surgery" by Ellen Ratner.
Hour Three: Revealed...Toxic Koch: Keeping Americans at Risk of a Poison Gas Disaster John Deans, Greenpeace Twitter
Article: "Toxic Koch: Keeping Americans at Risk of a Poison Gas Disaster " by John Deans and Will Vickery.

Article: "Texas GOP Congressional Candidate Compares Welfare Recipients To Donkeys In New Ad" by Marie Diamond.
Article: "Malkin: Obama And Congressional Black Caucus "Would Rather See Black Americans Dependent And Collecting Food Stamps"" by Media Matters.
Case: "Plessy v. Ferguson", 1896.
Article: "Marco Rubio at Reagan Library: 'Conservatism is about empowering people to catch up'".
Article: "Judge Suspends All Foreclosures in Federal Court in Rhode Island".
The bad: "News Corp Set To Air 9/11 Documentary Glorifying Bush; Producer Says He's Not Interested In 'Facts'" by Lee Fang.
The very, very ugly: "Republican Running For Weiner's Seat: Ground Zero Health Law Shouldn't Cover Sickened Volunteers" by Alex Seitz-Wald.
Article: "Buy American Act".
Book: "The New Golden Age: A Revolution against Political Corruption and Economic Chaos" by Ravi Batra.
Book: "Rebooting the American Dream: 11 Ways to Rebuild Our Country" by Thom Hartmann.
Article: "Chapter One: Bring My Job Home!" of "Rebooting the American Dream: 11 Ways to Rebuild Our Country" by Thom Hartmann.
Site: "Tariffs and Import Fees".

Article: "CBO: Unemployment Rate to Remain High" by NACS.
Article: "Leaked Cable: McCain Promised Qaddafi To Help Secure Military Equipment From U.S." by Ali Gharib.
Article: "Police Block Entrance To Paul Ryan Office, Deny Constituents Access To Request A Meeting" by Zaid Jilani.
Article: "Poll: Majority Of Americans Blame Bush For Economy" by TRNS.
Coming up on The Thom Hartmann Program

Hour One: If it's Friday, it's "Brunch With Bernie"... the honorable Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) will be here with all the news from our nation's capitol and as always he'll be spending the hour taking your calls and answering your questions too...

Hour Two: The Economy...what's the Fed's next move? Professor Richard Wolff, New School University NYC Twitter

Plus, It's Anything Goes on Townhall choose the topics and we'll talk...

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The CBO says unemployment will stay above 8.5 through elections & this could hurt Obama's re-election. Will he go bold on jobs?

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Why the VI nuke plant had its quake sensors removed?
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Or watch the Full "Big Picture" Show
08/24/11 Why did the Virginia nuke plant, built on fault line, have its quake sensors removed?
08/24/11 Why did the Virginia nuke plant, built on fault line, have its quake sensors removed?
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Thom speaks with nuclear energy expert, Paul Gunter on the unpreparedness of officials at the North Anna Nuclear Power Station in Mineral, Virginia during Monday's east coast earthquake. Later in the show in the Lone Liberal Rumble, he debates the issue of Republicans refusing to give President Obama deserved credit in the Libyan crisis.

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Thom Hartmann On The News - August 25th, 2011
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Thom Hartmann and Will Bunch - The Economic Decline Started With Reagan
Thom Hartmann and Will Bunch - The Economic Decline Started With Reagan
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