Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Thom Hartman


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The Thom Hartmann Program Tue 30 August 2011



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At least one Republican has Gotten the Message
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At least one Republican has gotten the message. Senator John Thune from South Dakota told a local newspaper that if he's learned one thing during this August recess holding town hall meetings with constituents - it's don't cut Medicare and Social Security. Thune told the paper that that message is one that he'll be taking back to Washington, DC. Of course - the rest of the Republican Party still doesn't get it.

That's because they're either not holding ANY town hall meetings, or they're holding private, corporate-funded town halls that charge constituents 40 bucks to ask a question, or they're busy keeping "watch lists" to intimidate their constituents from asking tough questions.

Either way - John Thune seems to be the only Republican who's actually doing his job - and listening to the American people who are in lock-step opposition to the Republican's radical agenda.


(Will more Republicans get the message? Tell us here.)

The Big Picture (small)
Tonight on The Big Picture on RT TV at 9pm and 11pm... Afghanistan...America's "forgotten war?" (check your local listings for stations or stream at RT, and catch past shows on Youtube)

Need to Know: Afghanistan...America's "forgotten war?" - Jim Miller, "Rethink Afghanistan" Twitter

Screwed: Kick starting the economy...should Bernanke sit this one out? - Max Wolff, Professor of Economics-Graduate Program in International Affairs-New School University, NYC Twitter

Grinch alert: Eric Canter holds hurricane aid hostage for cuts - Pat Garofalo, ThinkProgress.org Twitter

Daily Take: Revealed: The Real Terrorists
Stamps/com Free Speech TV
Read Thom's Book for Free!
Unequal Protection
Now you can read all of Thom Hartmann's "Unequal Protection: How Corporations Became 'People' and How You Can Fight Back" for free online. Truthout is publishing weekly installments over the coming weeks.

Read the Chapter 14: Unequal Protection from Risk today.
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Quote: "The activist is not the man who says the river is dirty. The activist is the man who cleans up the river." -- Ross Perot.

Hour One: Show live from the National Clean Energy Summit 4.0, co-sponsored by the Center for American Progress, live from Las Vegas, NV.
Article: "Thune: Top Message I Got From Town Halls Is 'Don't Cut My Social Security And Medicare'" by Alex Seitz-Wald.
Article: "Medical Loss Ratio Requirements Working Where Applicable" by David Dayen.
Article: "Federal Appeals Court Says Citizens Can Film Police Performing Duties" by Susie Madrak

Geothermal energy Michael Yackira, NV Energy, live at summit radio row with Thom.

Future of clean energy John Podesta, President/CEO - The Center for American Progress, live with Thom Twitter

Keystone XL Tar Sands Pipeline, environment Dr. James Hanson, NASA.
Article: "NASA's Hansen Arrested Outside White House at Pipeline Protest" by Mark Drajem.
Video: "Conversations with Great Minds - Bill McKibben, 350.org. Part 1".
Video: "Conversations with Great Minds - Bill McKibben, 350.org. Part 2".
Hour Two: Alternative energy Governor Chris Gregoire live with Thom.
Site: "McKinstrey".

Site: "Young Entrepreneurs Academy".
Site: "Campaign for Free Enterprise".
Article: "Federal judge blocks Ala. illegal immigration law " by AP.
Article: "Rick Perry Warns Against Military Adventurism" by Doug Mataconis.
Article: "Limbaugh: Colin Powell Will Vote For Obama Again Because 'Melanin Is Thicker Than Water'" by Alex Seitz-Wald.
Article: "GOP Rep Who Promised To Eradicate Homosexuality If He Were God Will Challenge Openly-Gay Tammy Baldwin" by Igor Volsky.

The Navy and energy Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus joins Thom live in Las Vegas.
Article: "Navy, USDA, DOE Seek Input from Industry to Advance Biofuels for Military and Commercial Transportation" by Secretary of the Navy Public Affairs.

Site: callcongress.org.
Speech: "The Economic Bill of Rights" by FDR (second bill of rights) (audio).

Energy Secretary of Energy Steven Chu live with Thom.
Hour Three: Energy policy, law, planning Kate Gordon, VP for Energy Policy, Center for American Progress
Site: "Apollo Alliance".
Case: "Marbury v. Madison", 1803.

Book: "The Vanishing Face of Gaia: A Final Warning" by James Lovelock.
Book: "Gaia" by James Lovelock.

Solar and other energy Rose E. McKinney-James, J.D., McKinney James & Associate joins Thom live.
Article: "What LEED Is - Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design" by USGBC.

Site: "Center for American Progress".
Site: "Think Progress".
Book: "An Introduction to Organic Geochemistry" by Stephen D. Killops.
Site: "Progressive Democrats of America".
Site: "Rebuild the Dream" campaign.

Article: "From Waterbury to Wilmington, Vermonters shocked by Irene's destruction" by Matt Sutkoski.
Article: "Vermont Towns Battle Historic Floods From Irene As Death Toll Tops 40 " by Wilson Ring and Jennifer Peltz.
Article: "Quake May Have Exceeded Nuclear Plant's Safety Specs" by Dina Cappiello.
Article: "Wikileaks 'accidentally' releases thousands of cables which name top secret sources" by Louise Boyle.
Crazy alert: "TSA: No Snakes On This Plane" by CBS.
Coming up Wednesday on The Thom Hartmann Program

Hour One: The chapter that went missing from Dick Cheney's boo John Nichols, The Nation Magazine Twitter

Hour Two: ISP's explosive new report on CEO pay Scott Klinger, Institute for Policy Studies Twitter

Hour Three: What you need to know about Rick Perry Eric Burns, Bullfight Strategies Twitter

And, the best of the rest of the news and your calls right here on...

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Full Show - 8/29/11. 3 Reality-Based Charts Your Right-Wing Relatives Will Have a Hard Time Ignoring
Full Show - 8/29/11. 3 Reality-Based Charts Your Right-Wing Relatives Will Have a Hard Time Ignoring
Watch the video

Democratic Strategist, Erikka Knuti fills in for Thom Hartmann. In the first half hour she talks with co-founder of Bullfight Strategies, Eric Burns about President Obama's plummeting approval rating and his accomplishments the Republicans refuse to acknowledge. Later in the show, ThinkProgress.org Editor-In-Chief, Faiz Shakir talks about the disturbing "Islamaphobia" trend in America.

Thom Hartmann on the News - August 30, 2011
Thom Hartmann on the News - August 30, 2011
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Thom Hartmann & Kate Gordon - National Clean Energy Summit 4.0
Thom Hartmann & Kate Gordon - National Clean Energy Summit 4.0
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Thom Hartmann & Secretary Ray Mabus - Natioanl Clean Energy Summit 4.0
Thom Hartmann & Secretary Ray Mabus - National Clean Energy Summit 4.0
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Thom Hartmann & Dr. James Hansen - Protest the Oil Sands Pipeline
Thom Hartmann & Dr. James Hansen - Protest the Oil Sands Pipeline
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Thom Hartmann & John Podesta - National Clean Energy Summit 4.0
Thom Hartmann & John Podesta - National Clean Energy Summit 4.0
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08 30 11 Gregoire
Thom Hartmann & Governor Christine Gregoire - National Clean Energy Summit 4.0
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08 30 11 chu001
Thom Hartmann & Secretary of Energy Steven Chu - National Clean Energy Summit 4.0
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